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Twynyrodyn Community School

Twynyrodyn Ysgol Gymunedol

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Additional Learning Needs

The SEN system is changing from September 2021 to a new 'Additional learning needs ' (ALN) system.


School ALNCO-Mrs E. Davies


The Welsh Government is changing the way that children with special educational needs (SEN) will be supported. The new system defines SEN as Additional Learning Needs (ALN). The law is changing for several reasons : the main one is to make the process simpler and more transparent for all involved. (See below for more details)

From January 2022, for those pupils on the ALN register in N, Y1, Y3 and Y5, there will be a Person Centred review followed by an Individual Developement plan (IDP) being written in consulataion with school staff, parents and the child. The other year groups will come on board the following academic year, until then their IEPS and review will remain as they were. For more information, see the links below or contact Mrs Davies via the school office.


At Twynyrodyn we have an inclusive ethos, and firmly believe that all children deserve to have the very best opportunities to achieve their full potential.


Many children, at some time in their school career, will have special/additional educational needs of some kind.  Some children will need help and support for all of their time at school, whilst others will need support for a short time.


We follow a Graduated Response approach to support all children, and work closely with parents/carers and outside agencies to maximise learning.


Individual Education Plans are written and reviewed with children on a termly basis, looking at individual targets and needs, and are shared with parents/carers.  One Page Profiles and Team Around the Child meetings are used to support Child Centred Planning.


Children who have an IEP are put on our ALN register, this is flexible and the number of children on it fluctuates according to needs.


We have many types of interventions to support children's needs, including:


  • ELSA
  • Sounds Write Intervention
  • Trauma Informed Schools
  • Motional
  • Pre-teaching and SDCU

ALN Parent Guide

EP Support Line Service for parents.

Educational Psychology Service in RCT and Merthyr Tydfil


Need further advice on ALN after speaking to your class teacher and Miss Baber?

The EPS Support Line will be running 3 afternoons per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday) and offers parents the opportunity to discuss any concerns they may have regarding the wellbeing and/or learning needs of children.

This service will enable parents to access psychological support without having to wait for a school visit .

To access the EPS Support Line contact via email at

providing a telephone contact and brief overview of the advice/support required.

Once a request has been received you will be contacted by a member of our team to arrange a 30 minute consultation slot at a convenient time.


Issues we can help with:

· Supporting children with additional learning needs

· Supporting children’s mental health and wellbeing.


Person Centred Practices (PCP)


At Twynyrodyn Community School  we aim to be person centred in the way we think and teach. We believe that each child is an individual and that learning should be personalised. We use a range of person centred thinking tools during circle time and wellbeing sessions. These tools help staff get to know the children on a deeper level and understand their needs.


One Page Profiles


A One Page Profile captures all the important information about a person on a single sheet of paper under three simple headings:


-what people like/appreciate about me,

-what’s important to me

-how best to support me.


Outside Support agencies/useful websites



  • Multi agency support for parents- Early Help Hub:





  • The Exchange counselling service:
